Music Monday: The Worst Christmas Song?

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but “Last Christmas” is probably the worst Christmas song. Perhaps even worse that “Baby It’s Cold outside” which is saying something.

Let’s look at the lyrics. I’m not even going to examine the music, which is serviceable, if just barely and over-produced. The first line is alright, I mean, the singer let’s the subject of the song know that last Christmas was great, but the way it ended wasn’t good and the singer isn’t happy with it. So far so good, right?

The singer wants to give their heart to somebody who won’t throw it away. This is a good sentiment, and the line “once bitten, twice shy” sums things up nicely. Then it all goes downhill from there.

I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me, baby
Do you recognize me?

Really? Really!?

So much for “twice shy”.

And it doesn’t get any better.

“Wrapped it up and sent it with a note saying I love you” – Was this after Christmas or before? At which point in the “I gave you my heart” from the beginning of the song does this pertain? Are we simply repeating the same event differently? Oh, so we’re rehasing the event now? And to say “I meant it” is pretty obvious because the song is about how the singer had their heart broken. 

But if you kissed me now
I know you’d fool me again


So much for “twice shy” I suppose.

It seems the setting of the story (as much as it is) in the song is a party. The lyrics are a bit ambiguous about whether the singer is upset or not to see the lover from a year ago, but then there is this line:

Now, I’ve found a real love you’ll never fool me again

Then what was the point of the song?

And why are there so many cover versions?