It’s been a while and in a way I’m still playing “catch-up” with some of these, alright, many of these, but this is it. There are even pictures from this week included!
Let’s start off with a bit of a continuation of Halloween. Where the kids do swim lessons annually toss in some pumpkins, usually the weekend before but this year it was the weekend after.

I have no idea what is going on here. None.

I went to the bathroom and 45 seconds later came out to this.

The police came to one of our Cub Scout meetings and the kids all got to shuffle through the back seat of a cruiser.

Did I mention that Tevye started Irish dance?

A couple more pictures from our recent trip to Portland. A visit to Powell’s was long overdue and very rewarding.

Here is another shot of how much effort it took to get Déla’s hair done. In the end it eventually took five people.

Renovations of the school space is still going on, but the preschool area has finished and the kids (and teachers) were able to recently move into their new home.

Xavier played in a basketball league this season. It was his first time and it took a while but he got the hang of it. I tried to get a decent action shot but nothing ever came out. he enjoyed it well enough but playing baseball is still his favorite.

My niece got married and what was special about this event was that my cousin Sean came over and performed the ceremony. I hadn’t seen him in a while so it was great to see him as well as be there for the wedding.

Making the day even more special was my cousin Terry was up from California. I had not seen him in… probably close to 20 years.

Here’s me (and Grace), Terry, Sean and brother Eoin.

August got recognized for his accomplishments at summer camp at the most recent court of honor (this week, see, we’re catching up).

Then it was the first of two winter (Christmas) concerts. Split over two nights we have preschool through 2nd grade one night and third through fifth grade the following week. First, we have the preschool who did a fantastically cute performance.

Later that same night Xavier was a shepherd in the 2nd grade performance. There was no good picture of him during the actual performance, but here he is on his way into the auditorium.

The performance was last night and I have nothing from today so that brings us all up to date with everything possible.