The Perfect Online Topic

Sometimes I struggle with time to write. Actually, quite often that is the single greatest barrier to having more blog posts. The other, is when I do have some time to write, I never necessarily know when it will be so I can not plan for it. That means I do not always have things “at the ready” to blog about. At those times I sit in front of the computer and have a million things in my head to put down but can’t seem to get anything cohesive so I wind up with about 3 lines and then nothing.

I decided to check in on Facebook and post “Somebody give me a topic or question to blog about” and got a variety of responses. Two of them were related and also my least favorite:

  • How do we talk to our children about the office of president in the modern age?
  • Politics

Really? Alright, fine.

If I am going to open myself up I can’t just pick and choose the ones I like, I also need to tackle the ones that I am not comfortable with.

Those who know me understand the current occupant of the White House does not represent my political and social views. Our kids know where we stand on pretty much any issue.


Because we talk about things with our kids.


Paying attention to the news things will come up and raise questions. The kids will ask, and we always welcome their questions, regardless of the topic.

That includes the run-up to the previous presidential election.

The office of President of the United States of America is the highest office our nation has, a position of power and privilege that up to now (as of this writing) only 45 people have had and there are many others lining up to be next.

One of the biggest values in our house is honesty. Sadly that doesn’t seem to be a similar value in the White House currently. Facts are facts, and you may disagree with them, you may have a different opinion on what should happen and why, but to say things that are not true, well, that isn’t alright.

Here is an example.

As one of the main reasons why a wall is proposed to be erected along the southern border is crime. Illegal immigrants commit crimes and they could be prevented with “strong” border security and that means a wall.


The facts, however, do not bear up under the flimsiest of scrutiny.

Tunnels under the border would negate the effects of a wall – something that already happens in areas where there is already some wall in place.

or perhaps this

Or the claim that illegal immigrants come here to commit crimes. That has been debunked in study after study.

By the way, I spent about 10 minutes total getting the above links, but much more time reading through them as well as others.

So why make these claims as the basis to put up a wall between the United States of America and Mexico? Why try to prevent Hispanics from entering our country?

Don’t answer that.

My point in all of this is, honesty, and with it integrity. That is what we emphasize with our kids and it would be nice the holder of the highest office in the land would do the same.