One morning when I went to get Grace up she was wearing a tutu that she somehow managed to get and put on.

Remember it, because it will come up again.

And again.It’s been nearly two weeks and she refuses to stop wearing it, day or night.

Changing subjects, here is Déla with the “Most Promising Dancer” trophy from last year’s Pacific Northwest Championship Feis she was awarded. We enjoyed having it in our house for a year, but it was time to return it.

Not before having her name engraved for posterity.

Here’s Grace as we went to the grocery store one day. Note, the tutu is still on.
This year’s Pacific Northwest Championship Feis was held, and while she didn’t get anything quite as prestigious as the previous year she did take home a few medals, a couple of trophies and moved up in rank in one of her dances.

If you think it’s been all dances and tutus you would be mistaken. The middle school musical Peter Pan began its run – with Déla in the title role. She has been a very busy person recently.

I’m really proud of her and what she has accomplished.