Here are the rest of the pictures I’m going to be posting from last month. I have already covered St. Patrick’s Day fairly well, so none of those pictures will be here.
A while ago I posted a couple of pictures from Déla’s turn as the title character in Peter Pan. Uncle Bill and Aunt Maura made it to the final performance, I don’t know where Maura is in this picture though.

I’m not sure if Xavier liked going to repeat performances because he was enjoying supporting his sister or getting the snacks.

Obligatory shot of a toddler asleep in the crib.

Here’s Tevye on the playground, looking cute.

August has been active with his school’s robotics team. Xavier and I were able to attend one of the events to cheer his team on.

The kids’ school put on a STEM night, and here are Déla and Xavier working out how to do an “egg drop” with no damage to the egg.

And then it was time for Xavier’s first feis.

He did great, felt good about it and is getting ready for the next feis.

We raced (pun partially intended) from competitive dancing in the morning to competitive racing in the afternoon where Xavier took 2nd place in his den for the pinewood derby. It was a rather crazy day.

I rather like this shot of him.

And where was Déla if she wasn’t dancing competitively? participating in the state science fair (3rd in her grade, 2nd in her category).