Here are some pictures from the first half of May. It has been very busy around here, not starting with, but certainly including Xavier’s first communion. Marianne flew out for the event, and here she is walking kids to school.

The obligatory “cleans up nice” shot…

and the obligatory shot of the moment…

The next day we celebrated Tevye’s birthday as a family by going to the Seattle Center.

The new playground that has taken up the space previously occupied by the Fun Forest was a big hit.

The main attraction, however, was going up the (newly remodeled) Space Needle.

Some of the kids were more fearless than others.

Of course there was cake and presents.

Then there was some time hanging out at the local playground.

For the school auction the preschool offered up a pizza party. We bought a ticket for Tevye, but we got a tiger in return.

The next morning Tevye and Xavier were working on one of Tevye’s birthday presents, chipping away at some dinosaur fossils.

Plenty more pictures to come of course, but that’s all for now.