Last week I was part of the group chaperoning the 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. which was my 2nd time doing so, and my 4th time overall to our nation’s capitol. As a result, all of the pictures are going to be from this trip.
Actually, almost all of these pictures are going to be of a certain 8th grader. Here she is at Mount Vernon enjoying the local livestock and wondering why I am taking a picture.

One of several memorials we visited, the World War II Memorial was particularly impactful for us. My grandfather served and it was nice to be able to talk about it a little with my daughter.

Selfie time!!

One of her favorite places on the whole trip was Monticello.

Long days…

Yes, we got to tour the capital.

Time for another selfie, this time as we walked past a certain residence.

You might want to compare this picture with one from last year. My plan is to have one for each of the kids.

A highlight was having her assist in laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. A memorable week, certainly, but this experience will be with her for the rest of her life.

The original Emancipation Proclamation. Genuine excitement about seeing this.

These last two aren’t family pictures, but I really liked them.

I could go into more detail about the trip, but much of it was the same as last year, at least the important parts. Suffice to say it was a great trip, we both enjoyed it, and I am looking forward to going again with Ciaran in a few years.