Phamily Foto Phriday 5-31-19

Here are some pictures from the rest of May closing out the month. During the spring concert Xavier and a couple of his classmates performed Irish dance.

Here’s Tevye enjoying the whole show.

While I was in D.C. Laura decided it would be a good idea to have Grace out of the stroller, so now I’m stuck with having her walk to and from school for drop off and pick up.

She loves the freedom, but refuses to hold hands. This, by the way is her current favorite dress, full of sharks. Gracie shark, do doo do doo…

Sometimes on the way home these two will just plot down.

For Memorial Day we went to help place flags on veteran’s graves. Here are Xavier and Ciaran at work, and that person on the left side of the picture…

Yep, that’s Tevye, helping out. He actually helped and was really good.

That’s going to be it for May.