I have a bunch of stuff to post, but want to get these up first.
As we all know June is the end of the school year. It also happens to be the end of the year for dance, and there was the recital. This year, however, was different because we have not just one dancer in the family.

That’s Xavier and Tevye joining the stage for the sibling dance.
Then there was the graduation from St. John.

Among the many celebrations and events there was the Baccalaureate Mass and é was invited to speak during the homily. I apologize for the poor quality of the video, but you should be able to hear most of what she is saying.
I am really proud of her for this, it was all her words and ideas and didn’t even know most of what she wrote until the mass.
Here she is a few days later at the actual graduation getting her diploma.

There are a number of other pictures that I missed, such as Déla getting recognized for her work as an altar server and sacristan, or Tevye’s last day of preschool.
Finally, here is Xavier’s going to bat during the final game of the season for little league.
I have other stuff, but this is how I’m going to end this one.