Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
“I’d like to know about how you instill your love of music into the kids.” That was a question recently posed on my query looking for more topics to post about. Short answer? I don’t. Slightly longer answer? I just play music I like. Alright, so the long answer is the rest of the post….
Remember a while ago when I mentioned I had solicited ideas for blog posts on Facebook – well, here is one that I had not gotten around to yet – “Your guilty pleasures. The g rated ones that is….” and another was “What’s in the back of your closet” which seems weird, and perhaps it…
Did you know there is a second comic convention in Seattle? I didn’t. Ace Comic Con Seattle is not only coming in June, it’s returning. Yes, that’s right, there was an Ace Comic Con in June of 2018. This year, June 28 – 30 will see the Ace Comic Con Seattle 2019 hit the CenturyLink…
I had previously mentioned that Queen was my “artist of the year” a couple of years ago, but I only gave the band cursory attention. Since collecting the band’s albums on reissued CD recently I have been listening to Queen a lot over the last few years, and as a result I now feel better…
I know it’s been a while, but it’s difficult to type with your hand in a splint, but that is a blog post for another time. Let’s get into it because there is a lot. As usual St.Patrick’s Day was a big event, but this year was even more significant. Since last St. Patrick’s Day…
One morning when I went to get Grace up she was wearing a tutu that she somehow managed to get and put on. Remember it, because it will come up again. And again.It’s been nearly two weeks and she refuses to stop wearing it, day or night. Changing subjects, here is Déla with the “Most…
I know it’s been a while. I’m not even going to bother with why. Let’s just get into it. Let’s start with Grace enjoying a nice bubble bath. Next we have Dela doing her family history project. Not in the picture here are a number of other props that are behind Dela or just out…
You might remember a week or so ago when I posted that I had turned to Facebook to get some inspiration in the form of suggestions as to what to write about. One of the suggestions was “The Pelfrey family commitment to altar serving every mass ” and that got me to thinking about things….
As a vegetarian household, there are a few meals that are staples we have every week or so. I know many households have a routine with their dinner menu, but while our options are not as limited as many people assume, there can be a lack of variety when it comes to ease and speed…
This session of this series is going to focus solely on Cub Scout Winter Camp, which Xavier and I attended last weekend. Unfortunately there was no snow, but, at least it was dry. There have been years when we have gone and it has been pouring rain the whole weekend. Sure, we were disappointed,but ultimately…