Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
Yesterday during out regularly scheduled D&D session we had a bit of an animal encounter that we will certainly remember for quite some time. During our lunch break I heard a “thunk” against the back windows. I turned and saw a few feathers floating down. I went to the window to look in the back…
And the internet is back. It has been a long week without internet, and I’m glad it is over. Now we can check email regularly, the kids can do their homework, Netflix is back, all the things we take for granted. Knowing we would be without internet we tried to make arrangements, but they just…
This past Saturday the entire Cub Scout pack went on a hike. Well, it was scheduled as a pack outing, but only two other dens were represented by one person each. This wound up being pretty much my den’s outing with a couple of others, really. This was fine, as a hike is one of…
Yesterday was Veteran’s Day. This is a federal holiday, a day off. Both schools were off. Public schools had the day off as well as the kids’ school. This meant everybody would be home and we could enjoy a day off together. Maybe we would get to do something fun. First there were the orthodontist…
Technically, yes, I am a veteran. I served in the United States Army from July of 1985 to July of 1989. But I always feel weird counting myself as a veteran. While so many others have seen combat, I wound up having an easy stint. There were no conflicts while I served. For me, the…
Walking home from… whatever errand we were doing, I looked at a house for sale a block away from our house. Well, looked at it as much as I could while walking past it pushing a stroller. Xavier said “I like that house. When I grow up I am going to buy that house and…
Back in the early 90s when I had more time than responsibility, and a bit of spending money, I would hang out at an independent used record store a couple of blocks from where I lived after work. Yes, I was one of those guys. One day a woman walks in pushing a stroller, and…
You may remember last September when I was admitted to the hospital. (Ha, that auto-corrected to “admired” – bloggers, remember to read and edit your posts before publishing). I was sort of waiting on some event of formal diagnosis to post another follow-up. But there hasn’t been one. Just before Christmas of last year I had…
The biggest challenge I think for me during this year’s NaBloPoMo will be the week I have no internet service. Sure, I could go to the library or coffee shop, but what am I going to do with the kids, particularly the toddler? Starting yesterday and until next Friday my house is without internet service….