Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
The following contains some spoilers for the Lost Mine Of Phandelver adventure included in the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set. Not too many, but enough that as a player you might not want to read this. Interestingly, the players did not learn their lesson with regards to splitting up their party. Well, it…
So here we are again, the annual National Blog Post Month frenzy. Well, every month is apparently NaBloPoMo, but November is *the* month for it. If you’ve been around the blogging block, you know it’s something bloggers do to keep their creativity flowing, or to reinvigorate their blog. the idea is to have a blog…
I used to love voting. Being part of the democratic process is something I get excited about. Not any more. All of the ballots in Washington state now are by mail. No more polling booth. I hate this. The process of voting now is…. unenjoyable. I feel removed from the process. With our busy life,…
This past Thursday was the record release party for Brian Saunders’ debut album. I wonder it it should be referred to as his solo debut as he did record with a band, way back when, but I am not sure how much of it was commercially available. Whatever. This album is his project, and I couldn’t…
A few days ago I posted this picture of the kids working on their pumpkins. Here are the final results. August carved his own pumpkin – completely. I wound up carving out the others, as you would expect. Thankfully the kids helped with the scooping out and cleanup (and general direction of what they wanted…
It has been a while since I played Dungeons & Dragons with any regularity, and even longer since I led a campaign as a dungeon master (or DM). With the new 5th edition rules and my older son showing an interest, this was a perfect time to get back into the game. Because I was…
“Mummies are the original zombies. Just wrapped up in toilet paper.” – Ciárán This year was somewhat excruciating with regards to getting the kids costumed up for Halloween. August knew what he wanted, thankfully. He plans on being the 9th Doctor from “Doctor Who” which didn’t take much. We purchased an appropriate Sonic Screwdriver, August…
We all want to be the hero. In one way or another, each and every one of us would love to swoop in and save the day. It can even be as simple as pointing out to somebody they need to zip up the fly on their pants before going in to a big presentation…
August’s big birthday present was the monthly Geek Fuel subscription box. He was given a 6 month subscription and this was the last one. I’m going to start off with the video of August opening the box. I don’t know why I don’t have a picture of the shirt from the box this time. Odd….