Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
My kids are looking forward to LEGO Dimensions. This is an upcoming video game that is apparently similar to Disney Infinity or Skylanders, only this time it has the various LEGO licenses and a few from Warner Brothers. While Warner Brothers owns both DC and the publishing company the game is coming through, it is…
This was the last Webelos event August would be participating in. By spending the night here he earns his Arrow Of Light badge, which is a distinguished honor he can wear as a Boy Scout. Next month he participates in the crossing over ceremony and will officially be a Boy Scout. But first, to earn…
Previously we had Tevye’s first birthday. Here was have both August and Xavier celebrating birthdays! May certainly is a busy month. I will share pictures from Xavier’s birthday, which was Friday, next week. Until then, let’s look at some other pictures! (And yes, this is going up on Sunday, not Friday, because Friday was crazy busy getting ready…
This picture book by Terry John Barto and Kim Sponaugle does two things. First, and perhaps most importantly, it entertains. It is an enjoyable book to read to and with your kids. Secondly it helps to reinforce a lesson we as parents should be trying to instill in our children, that of following their dreams.
One of the items that August placed on his list for his upcoming birthday – under the section of “Fancy Gift” – was a 6 month subscription to Loot Crate. He created the “Fancy Gift” section for a couple of big ticket items that he doesn’t actually expect to receive, but he’s letting us know…
The opening riff “Lonesome Street” is like a declaration. First the sirens, then the guitar blast hits you and suddenly it is 1994 again. Well, not exactly, but this is as close to a statement that we are going to get from the band that it has embraced its past sound while still moving forward….
Last Friday Xavier was not so sure about getting into the pool by himself in the free-swim area before his lesson. Dela said she would go in with him, so he acquiesced. And enjoyed himself. He is getting much more confident in the water lately. Over the weekend the weather was nice enough the ice…
It seems like almost yesterday he was born. As I write this I am sitting not twelve feet away from the spot where he entered this world. It was a bit of a dramatic entrance, but then again aren’t they all? The end result is the main thing. Tevye is such a happy little boy….
This last Saturday was Free Comic Book Day. My son August was able to hit a few of the comic shops last year with a friend of his and it was his first time attending this event. He loved it and couldn’t wait for this year’s event to roll around. I am so glad that…