Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
There’s a lot to recap in pictures this week. Let’s jump right in. Last Friday Kyle came over for a little while in the afternoon. We were all happy to see him, and seems to be doing well. Later that day Ciaran’s Cub Scout den visited the local fire station. I should have that post…
Are you aware of Amazon Mom? Certainly you’ve heard of Amazon Prime, which features such benefits as free two day shipping on many products, free streaming videos and music, and a few other features. Amazon Mom works the same way. There are discounts on diapers, baby food and other similar products. Sounds great, right? The…
I’m a bit distracted today. I had originally planned on writing stuff from Bumbershoot or my 50 Bands post – there’s still so much to go over. Instead I had this song going through my head today as I continue to deal with the news of Oren Miller’s passing.
Oren Miller died of lung cancer yesterday. You may not know him. I didn’t. Heck, I only exchanged a few words with him, literally, over the last couple of years. His loss, however, is great. He touched many lives, including mine. He started a group, Dad Bloggers, which I participate in. You may notice on…
Let’s take a quick look back over the week, shall we? Friday is swim lesson day. Here we see Xavier, Ciaran and Dela going into the pool. There is also a “blink and you’ll miss it” cameo by August at the beginning of the video. Tevye has begun climbing stairs. Unassisted. Remember earlier this week…
I was reminded Tuesday morning why I like having the doctor we currently see. We have always had a doctor for our kids, but Laura and I have not always been the best about our own medical care. When Kyle came to live with us I was working at Virginia Mason, and I had some…
I took Tevye to the doctor this morning. It was his 9 month check up. Past due, I know, but our schedule has been crazy what with all the kids we have as well as moving back into our house. Fortunately I was able to schedule the appointment for early in the morning. normally we…
What does Ash Wednesday mean to me? At times I have a definite idea, so crystal clear, so obvious, it feels like it burns my brain. Other times I have no idea. And so I ponder. Maybe that’s the point. Lent, which began today, is a time of penance as well as reflection. Think of…