Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

A Sunday Post

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Does anybody even read blog posts on Sundays? If so, do people go back and read some of the posts from earlier in the week? Is it worth it to create a new post on Sunday or just set up a signpost to the one blog entry from the week you most like? Should Facebook and…

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A Morning

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A Morning

This morning I tweeted: Dammit, I don't have any raisins for my oatmeal. — post post modern dad (@ppmdad) November 8, 2014 While this may not seem like a big deal, and in the grand scheme of things it really is insignificant, it winds up being a bit of a speed bump on a road…

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Phamily Foto Phriday 11-7-14

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Phamily Foto Phriday 11-7-14

Remember last week when I said I would have another post for the Halloween pictures? I said “probably tomorrow” but other things got in the way. This was a bit of an odd Halloween for us. It was the first time any of the kids went trick-or-treating with others, this meant there would be not…

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6 Months

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6 Months

Tevye, you turn 6 months old today. Where did the time go? Well, I sort of know where it went. It’s been a crazy busy six months. First the packing up and moving because of the remodel in our house, then the end of the school year, then vacation to Massachusetts, then the beginning of…

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NaBloPoMo Promt

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NaBloPoMo Promt

So I’m participating in NaBloPoMo and one of the tools BlogHer has available to help writers get through the month successfully are some prompts to help bloggers have something to… er… blog about. This is a great idea, only there’s a small problem with it. There are not prompts for every day of the month….

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This morning we woke to find our stroller stolen. Well, “woke to find” isn’t exactly true, it took a while to figure out it was missing this morning, but it was gone. I was getting things ready to take the kids to school when I noticed the stroller was not where it should be. What…

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Music Monday: The Thing That Only Eats Hippies

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I have posted about The Dead Milkmen before, and while I’d like to go into more detail about my enjoyment of the band I don’t have a heck of a lot of time today. So instead I’m going to post this video of the song that introduced me to the band. Airing on MTV in…

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Gender Biased Storytelling

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Gender Biased Storytelling

I hate “girls” movies. Why? Because they are usually condescending towards the gender, with emphasis on fashion or boys or whatever. The better stories geared towards girls are much more universal in appeal. Look at Buffy The Vampire Slayer, a strong central female character that appealed to both men and women. My Little Pony: Friendship…

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Throwing Down The Gauntlet (Again)

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Throwing Down The Gauntlet (Again)

This is not my first time participating in National Blog Post Month, or NaBloPoMo. Initially started in 2006 it has been spearheaded by BlogHer since 2011 for every month but November is still the “main” focus for NaBloPoMo for most of us. Yes, even dad bloggers participate. At least this one has (and does). Why…

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Phamily Foto Phriday 10-31-14

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Phamily Foto Phriday 10-31-14

Yes, it is Halloween, and no, I don’t have any pictures of kids in costumes. Yet. That will be another post, probably tomorrow. Last Friday was  decent day, weather-wise, and Xavier took advantage be tromping through the leaves on the way to school. Monday was one of the days for gymnastics signups for the winter session….

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