Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

What follows is an actual exchange between myself and Tevye who is almost 6 months old. I am loosely translating his portion. “Time to change a diaper.” “Okay. Sounds good. I’m kind of tired of this wet diaper on my rear. HEY! HIS ISN’T WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR! THE AIR IS COLD!! THIS SUCKS!!”…

A month ago I did a Music Monday post about Elvis Costello, and while he has had a lengthy solo career, his backing band for a long time was more than just a bunch of hired musicians, it was an actual band – The Attractions. They weren’t pulled together until Elvis Costello’s second album, though not…

A packed week full of… well, let’s jump into it. Tevye is starting to sit up on his own now. He’s five and a half months old, has two teeth and smiles a heck of a lot. Saturday saw another gymnastic competition for Déla. This time I got some video. Here’s her vault routine which…
I am in the shower when there’s a knock on the door. Laura has already gone to work and with time before the kids have to get to school I had a few minutes and was trying to put it to good use. Déla said something about Ciárán and while I didn’t catch everything she…

Yesterday I had an appointment with a gastroenterologist as a follow-up appointment to my hospital visit. This was at the main building on Capitol Hill, which if you’re not familiar with Seattle is close enough to downtown to be a pain in the ass, especially with parking, considering I’m coming from 7 miles north. Sure,…
Devo sent the link to this on twitter, so they obviously approve of its existence: It’s just a shame none of the newer stuff was performed. Still, a good set.

Last weekend was crazy busy. Let’s jump into it, shall we? Friday (after I had posted the week’s photos) saw the penultimate cross country event. The Pumpkin Run, where kids run the mile course with the last stretch of the course lined with pumpkins. After the run kids get to pick a pumpkin to take home…

I like my neighborhood. There are some things about it that really help to make is special. The annual car show is one. The fact that I can walk to a number of different types of restaurants (Indian, Thai, pizza, Mexican, etc.) and the several bars and other types of businesses – well, it’s a…
“What do you want for lunch?” I asked Xavier. It was just him (4 years), myself, and Tevye (5 months) at home. The other kids were either at school or who knows where. Before taking him to pre-school in the afternoons Xavier has lunch at home. I almost always ask him what he wants, but…

I was wrong. For years I resisted Dropkick Murphys. I was confusing Dropkick Murphys with Murphy’s Law, the hardcore band. I saw Murphy’s Law in 1989 opening up for The Ramones and didn’t like them. Not that I have anything against hardcore punk, I’m just rather picky about which ones I do like, and Murphy’s…