Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

Phamily Foto Phriday 10-10-14

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Phamily Foto Phriday 10-10-14

This past Saturday was a big day for Déla. It was her first gymnastics meet of the season, and her first in the new higher AA division. But before the meet she had Irish step dance. Here she is practicing her hard shoe. At her meet she demonstrated both that she belongs in the higher…

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Seeing The Kids

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Seeing The Kids

Remember last week when I mentioned I like seeing my kids during their lunch time recess? This afternoon I was walking back from dropping Xavier off at preschool when one of Déla’s friends saw me with Tevye in the stroller on the sidewalk and called for her. She came running across the playground. After a…

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The Current State Of Munchkin

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The Current State Of Munchkin

We love Munchkin in this family. If we could we just might play it every other day. As it is I use it as an incentive to get August and Dela to stop fighting and get ready for school in the morning. And it’s working pretty well. Most days. There are so many varieties and…

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Music Monday: Apathy Edition

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I am very uninspired today. Can’t seem to write anything despite all the ideas I had over the weekend or the piles of inspiration I have in front of me. So I give you this:

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Phamily Foto Phriday 10-3-14

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Phamily Foto Phriday 10-3-14

This past Sunday was another cross country meet. Here are each of them as they came across the finish line. And because he didn’t want to be left out, Here is a picture of me with Tevye.

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The Bucket List

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I want to put this down on (virtual) paper before I forget. Again. I’ve been assembling a Bucket List, or at least attempting to, for a while now. Several items that would make it on the list were done before I even thought of making a list. Some of those I’ll put down underneath the…

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All The School Kids

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All The School Kids

My one issue with the school my kids go to is the preschool schedule. There is morning preschool and then a “pre-K” program in the afternoon. Essentially it’s a two year program, which is fine, but separating them out and not having all-day preschool gets to be rather inconvenient. But that’s a different topic from…

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Music Monday: Elvis Costello

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Music Monday: Elvis Costello

I have seen Elvis Costello live twice, both times at Bumbershoot. The first time was in 1996 when he played the final show of his tour after reuniting with The Attractions and it was even a separate ticket (but it included access to the Bumbershoot festival that day). They played for two hours and, well, I’ll probably…

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Phamily Foto Phriday 9-26-14

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Phamily Foto Phriday 9-26-14

Cub Scouts started back up again, and this year is the first year Ciaran is able to participate. Only things is, he is unsure about actually participating. At the Pack meeting he was given his first neckerchief as well as a Tiger Cub sticker. Thrilled? Not so much. August, on the other hand, was indeed…

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Too Much Television

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Too Much Television

I stopped watching Falling Skies. I got about halfway through the current season and it just felt like it was getting silly without any real purpose and forward movement. The whole sub-plot with the daughter reminded me of the original V series. It was too much and there are so many other shows I’d rather…

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