Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

It’s been an interesting transition back to the school year schedule. I don’t want to say it has been smooth, but it certainly hasn’t been difficult. One of the biggest adjustments is having Xavier in afternoon preschool. Notice I put this above working around a 3 month old infant. I’ll get to that in a…

I don’t remember the first time I heard Slint. If I remember correctly a band member (I used to be a musician a couple decades ago) of mine brought Tweez, Slint’s first album, to practice and we listened to it as a band. Practice in those days was much looser, with Sunday afternoons spent listening…

I know it’s late. When you have 6 kids see if you get anything done on time. This week the kids went back to school. Well, most of them. Kyle went to work and Tevye just drooled everywhere. Thursday was the first day for most of the kids with preschool starting on Friday. Here is…
“Piggyback ride!” my 4 year old exclaimed. I thought at first he wanted me to give him a piggyback ride, which I couldn’t do since I was pushing the stroller with his infant brother inside. I look down at him. He’s looking up ahead, somewhere along the sidewalk something has caught his attention. He points….

What follows in this paragraph is a short tale regarding the appeal of the latest Disney nature documentary. I was getting set up to watch the movie with my kids but my 7 year old son didn’t want to watch it so he left to go play downstairs. 15 minutes later he came up for some…

The Marx Brothers are titans in the comedy world for a reason. While Groucho often gets the credit and recognition he wouldn’t be nearly as effective without Harpo, Chico, and Zeppo. Heck, Even Gummo was part of the troupe’s stage act which is what made them famous to get signed to do movies. While Zeppo…

The soundtrack for The Harder They Come is a staple for most people who listened to “alternative” music in the 80s and 90s. Jimmy Cliff was an established reggae star at the time the film was made and it was only natural the soundtrack would feature much of his music heavily. Heck, he did star…

Dang. 9 years old. It’s been a year for you. 3rd grade. And while that went well it was all that other stuff you started doing. Irish dance for instance. Then there was gymnastics which you kept with and not only that but you advanced to the next level of competition. And Girl Scouts. Sheesh….

August and Dela came home yesterday well after lunch time and they were hungry. I pulled out the bread to make sandwiches and Dela said “No sandwich for me.” I opened the cabinet and pulled out the Nutella. “Okay! Sandwich please!” “You already said you didn’t want a sandwich.” She stared at me dead in…

Without Warning a low budget science fiction horror film. It looks like a made for cable film (those don’t look like theatrical credits). There’s something about the film though, maybe it’s that it is so low budget that it isn’t constrained to “normal” filmmaking and storytelling conventions and it just tells its story without getting…