Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

Remember a few weeks ago when August went on a hike with his friend? The following weekend his troop went on a hike – and his friend came along as well. Instead of snow there was rain. And plenty of it. We were ready for it. At the halfway mark (which…

Alright – so it’s been a crazy month. Here’s part of what I haven’t been able to spend the time to work on. The weekend before St. Patrick’s Day Déla participated with her dance studio in the St/ Patrick’s Day parade. Here she is lined up and waiting to go. Of course it wasn’t…
I love the movie Repo Man. The soundtrack is excellent as well. This is one of those films where the music is such an integral part of the film both are necessary. Sure, you can listen to the soundtrack on its own and enjoy it, but not nearly as much if you don’t have the…
And this is where I fail as a person. I’m a big proponent of social services. No, not indiscriminately handing out whatever to whomever, but there are reasons people are having a hard time and need help. If we don’t help those less fortunate than we are what does that make us? Only there are…
March 17. St. Patrick’s Day. When I started these Music Monday posts I didn’t realize St. Patrick’s Day would fall on a Monday. Then I started thinking about what I would do to commemorate the event. At first I was going to post a bunch of Pogues videos. Then I thought that was cliche and…

I turned around and there he was – a head taller than I remember. Ciárán is at an awkward stage in so many ways. At 6 years old he is still very much a young kid. The other day he had a stuffed bear that attacked people with fluffiness to make them good. On the…

One of the greatest concerts I’ve ever attended, and I’ve been to a lot, was The Presidents Of The United States Of America. This “good time” rock band hails from the same city as me, so I’ve been fortunate to see them a few times. Now the band has released a new album Kudos To…

August went on a hike with his friend Johnny’s scout troop on Saturday. We had planned on some rain but certainly not snow. We were ill-prepared. Whoops. Here’s August at the top of the 1.9 mile as well as August and Johnny. And of course it was 1.9 miles down. And…
I am lucky. Sometimes it takes the misfortunes of others to remind us how lucky we are. This week is a prime example. I am part of a great group of dad bloggers and this week has been tough for a couple of them. One shared the heartbreaking story of holding his stillborn son. Another…