Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

Music Monday: Peter Gabriel & Randy Newman

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I have been a fan of Peter Gabriel’s work for quite a while and seen him live a couple of times. And yes, I was a fan before his 1986 breakout album So. While he has continued to make music it doesn’t get the attention he has in the past. A lot of his more…

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Phamily Foto Phriday 2-28-14

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Phamily Foto Phriday 2-28-14

Earlier this week the kids were all ready for school a little early. What was there to do but have a puppet show? Well, it was more of a play with a bunch of toy cars. Yesterday I wrote up a bit about Cub Scout Winter Camp and what we did there. Wednesday was the…

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2014 Cub Scout Winter Camp

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2014 Cub Scout Winter Camp

I took August to Cub Scout Winter Camp again this year, and this time I was going in prepared. Since our minivan is getting to a point where it needs to be replaced and the Millennium Falcon is simply too big to take to where we were going, the decision was made to rent a…

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English Beat Live

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English Beat Live

  The English Beat played in Seattle Friday, and my experience was mixed. There were positives but also some negatives. I simply can’t say one way or the other as to my reaction, and that bothers me. Let me start at the beginning.   My wife found by chance a note the band would be…

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Phamily Foto Phriday 2-21-14

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Phamily Foto Phriday 2-21-14

I missed out last week because I was busy getting ready for Cub Scout Winter Camp, which I will discuss in another blog post. Those pictures, along with pictures from the snow we got, and the ensuing backyard snowball fight, will find their own posts instead of getting incorporated into this series. Here we are…

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Another Hundred Books

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Another Hundred Books

Maybe you remember the list that was floating around a few years ago about the 100 books you should read, or it was the Top 100 Novels or whatever. The point is a list and a couple of variations, made the rounds several years ago. I addressed this in a blog post back in the…

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Goodbye Bob

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Well, that’s a bummer. Bob Casale, or Bob #2, guitar and keyboard player for Devo passed away yesterday. I don’t know all of the details, heart failure at the age of 61, so here’s a link to the Rolling Stone article and if there is anything new that comes to light I’m sure it will…

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So Where Were We?

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Wow, where did last week go? I had a couple of posts planned on top of my (supposedly) usual Phamily Foto Phriday. Then Xavier got sick (and I mean *SICK*). Tuesday was a bit of a washout for me. The posts I was working on didn’t “click” into completion as I had hoped. Fine, I…

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For Fear Of A Movie

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Three years ago I took August, Déla and Ciárán to see Winnie The Pooh in theaters. At 3 years old, he was a little scared but excited. It was a big, dark, loud place. While we don’t typically think of it, for younger children a movie theater can be a little daunting. When the Spy Kids…

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3 Year Old Praise

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Last night as Laura and I were going to bed we smelled it. Xavier, our 3 year old, had pooped in his pull-up and needed changing. While I didn’t relish waking him up, it had to be done. As I (gently) woke him and picked him up to carry him to the bathroom he said, “Who…

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