Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
Well, not actually, but it feels like it. LEGO: The Movie comes out today. Also today LEGO: The Movie: The Video Game is released. I’m sure you’ve seen trailers for the movie. They are everywhere. The song “Everything Is Awesome” is almost everywhere as well. I haven’t seen much of LEGO: The Movie: The Video…
The other day I was picking up my kids from school as I do every day. Nothing special, just doing my job, trying to not have Child Protective Services called. What struck me about this particular day was the Kindergarten teacher. She said “Thank you for being here on time every day to pick up…
These are the types of posts I hate. Oh, it’s partly self-pity and complaining, partly a place-holder, partly just crap because I have nothing else to post. Well, it’s not that I don’t have anything else to post, actually, it’s that I can’t seen to get my ideas fully formed. I have a couple of…
Stub Hub is giving fans a chance to win tickets to the “Big Game” (can’t say which one or the *FL will bring a lawsuit) next year. Doesn’t matter who is playing, but really, wouldn’t you like to go? I would! Here’s how you do it: Fans have until 11:59:59 PM PT on February 3,…

August came down one morning this week after showering and said “There was an explosion on planet My Head.” After school yesterday Ciárán came out of class wearing his jacket OVER his backpack, zipped up, with his arms out of the sleeves and the hood on. Generally being silly. And Xavier tried to imitate…
“I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Dad Central for ROGAINE®. I received a product sample and promotional item to thank me for participating.” I’ve been thinking a lot about the “Grow Your Game” initiative by ROGAINE. What does that mean? Sure, the company is using language that directly references hair growth, but there’s a lot more to…

“I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Dad Central for ROGAINE®. I received a product sample and promotional item to thank me for participating.” Contractually obligated to put that in there. As well as the #gotitfree hashtag for social media. Because there are legal issues and whatever. What am I doing with Rogaine anyway? Oh, sorry, ROGAINE. The…

Monday was a day off from school, and as Xavier had been asking for a while, I figured it would be as good a day as any to go to the zoo. Thankfully the weather cooperated and while a little chilly at least it wasn’t raining, which is pretty good for Seattle. After the penguins,…
You may remember a while back we discussed the upcoming addition to our family and Xavier expressed a preference for a boy baby. There has been progress on this front. After lunch yesterday we were talking and the conversation turned to “coconut” (because saying “unborn baby” is tedious). I mentioned that we don’t know if…