Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

Technically I Am A Veteran

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I served in the Army from 1985 to 1989, but I have a difficult time considering myself a veteran. I did not see combat, but was mobilized once. Back in the 80s Central America was a hotbed of activity. In 1987 my unit went to Honduras for a few weeks to train. Our unit was…

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Who Is The Old Timer Now?

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Who Is The Old Timer Now?

August, age 10, to Ciárán, age 6: “This is a cool book. I got it back when I was your age.” Apparently “back in the day” isn’t too long ago when you’re still in elementary school.

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Charlie Chesterman Remembered

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Charlie Chesterman Remembered

I learned yesterday that Charlie Chesterman passed away earlier in the week. Most people won’t know the name, and that’s a shame. Charlie Chesterman was the frontman for Scruffy The Cat, a band from Boston that had minor national success. two albums, two E.P.s and a split single with The Young Fresh Fellows was the…

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Caillou Is Not As Bad As You Think

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I will admit to not liking “Caillou” when I first watched it. For years I loathed the little kid. I found him whiny and irritating. Then I realized something. He’s just like every other 4 year old. Why do we as parents find Caillou so irritating? Because his behavior is ridiculously accurate. Not only that,…

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Star Wars 7 Date

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The next Star Wars film is coming and I am excited to see it. What doesn’t excite me is how the press release states it will arrive December 18, 2015. Star Wars films have arrives Memorial Day weekend. As a matter of fact, Star Wars (I am of the camp that refuses to refer to that…

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Crackers And Coffee

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I woke up early today… no, I was woken up early today. No extraordinarily early, but definitely early enough to be disorienting. Part of what was so disorienting was not the hour I was woken, but also the fact I was in the middle of a dream. A rather bizarre dream at that. At this…

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Sports Illustrated Kids Gift Idea

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Finding periodicals for your kids to be interested in can be a challenge. Sure there are comics, but when it comes to more advanced reading there aren’t as many as one might think. My 10 year old son looks forward to each issue of Boys Life and my 8 year old daughter has Discovery Girls and Sparkle World coming…

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Swim Lessons

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Swim Lessons

NOTE: This post is NOT sponsored. I just happen to really like this place and had some pictures looking for a reason to be used. It is important to me the kids learn to swim. Even if we lived in a land-locked state, say… South Dakota or West Virginia my stance would be the same….

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Dad Bloggers Don’t Post

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Alright, so that title may be misleading, but there isn’t a way to encapsulate what I want to say. Why aren’t more dad bloggers participating in NaBloPoMo? Heck, many of the ones I’ve talked with recently didn’t know about it. Some have heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month – basically writing a book) but…

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The Requisite Daylight Savings Time Post

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As I begin typing this out it is 5:20 in the morning. I have been awake for an hour. We “stayed up” until about 10 last night, turned the clocks back an hour, then went to bed. I sure was tired and looking forward to getting some sleep. Normally I wake up a couple of…

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