Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

Sunday was the “Ribbon Run” for cross country, but only for the younger grades (K-3). August (Grade 4) will run next Sunday in the championship race for the upper grades (4-8). Here are Ciárán and Déla suited up and ready to run. I was able to be in a position to…

Laura had the first ultrasound for our next child. According to all the information we have (an exact science using size of fetus, date of last menstrual cycle, “reading” chicken bones, and some phrases uttered in Aramaic) the baby is due April 27. This means, if history is any indication, we’re going to have our…

WB Interactive and TT Games have revealed a poster inspired by the upcoming film Thor: The Dark World (in theaters November 8). The game arrives October 22 on various platforms, and is to be a launch title for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 next month. I’d like to see a series of posters done…

For years we have been saying we would go. BrickCon is a LEGO convention held annual in Seattle and August has wanted to go ever since he became aware of it something like 5 years ago. Because of other commitments we were unable to stay more than a couple of hours. It was enough to…

I know it’s late. I’m going to post this entry that should have been posted on the 4th, and this coming Friday I’ll have another entry. I’ve been sick and not getting much sleep, been busy with … stuff. Nothing important, really. On with the pictures. On Sunday the 29th of September the kids had…
I had just put Xavier down for nap when the phone rang. It was the school. Déla was in the office not feeling well. So I did what any good dad would do, I got Xavier up from nap and walked over to the school to pick up my daughter. Thankfully we live about a…
I pick Xavier up from preschool every morning at 11. We come home and he’s hungry so we do lunch. Yesterday he finished his sandwich and I look over at him from where I was on the other side of the kitchen. He’s holding up two individual grapes from the small bunch on his plate,…
Every other Saturday we have pizza for dinner. Sometimes more often, but pretty much every two weeks. The logistics of why this is are not relevant to the story. A few slices were left over and I individually wrapped two of them up in aluminium foil for August to take to school. He’s the only…

Ciárán had 8 teeth by the time he was 8 months old. Seriously. It was a little weird. None of our other kids had that many teeth at that time. Now at the age of 6 he’s losing his teeth. Literally. Thursday Ciárán lost a tooth. At school. As in actually lost it in the school’s…