Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

In Ireland we’ve been staying with my dad who lives on the north coast in a small town called Ballycastle. From there we’ve been taking day trips out and about to various places. One of the biggest trips we took was an overnight trip to the Inishowen Peninsula in County Donegal. Travelling largely counterclockwise around the…

Some of what Laura and I had wanted to see was the old sites, those ancient ruins that were beyond the ancient monasteries or whatever. There’s plenty of prehistoric locations and artifacts in Ireland, and this day we traveled south a bit to see some. On the way we stopped at Coleraine to see Mount Sandel,…
Laura put Xavier down. Within a couple of minutes he is screaming. For mom. I go up to see if I can comfort him and get him to quiet down and go to sleep. As soon as I go in there, he’s quiet. He’s ignoring me. I crawl into the bed. He looks over at…

So much has happened on our trip, it’s hard to put it all down cohesively and in a timely manner. Such as it is when visiting family. Almost every day we’re off doing something, driving to one place or another, visiting some ancient ruin or some location with a significant historical importance. Part of this…

Of all the kids, Ciárán was the one who didn’t want to go. He’s rather contrary by nature and doesn’t necessarily like to step outside of his comfort zone. One of the other major reasons he didn’t want to go was his birthday would occur while away on vacation. He was afraid we wouldn’t be…

It’s over. It’s Monday morning as I write this. Ciárán’s head injury happened late Saturday afternoon. We had put an adhesive bandage on his head in the hopes that it would help to prevent the wound from opening up overnight. It appears to have worked. It was a small wound in the first place, thankfully….
What’s worse than your child having a head injury? How about having your child have a head injury in a small town in a foreign country on a Saturday afternoon? Is there a hospital nearby? Not in this town. Next town over? The next? Are they open? Where is it even? Ciárán got hurt. He…
I haven’t had as much time and opportunity to blog about the trip as I had initially planned. I thought I would have more time, but that’s not the case. Almost every day we’re out of the house by 10 in the morning and by the time we return and get dinner and the kids…

When I was here three years ago I had no idea this was even here. It’s not even fully outside of Ballycastle! While I was away to Belgium one of the things Laura and the kids did was check this place out. It was disappointing as it was closed off, but I had yet to see…