Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
Xavier, newly 3 years old, is mostly potty trained. He still wears a diapers during nap and overnight. So I wake him from nap this afternoon and I can already smell it. Opening up his diaper he put his hands over his eyes and exclaims “Ooh, gross! I don’t want to see it!” My reply?…
I make three lunches in the morning. Two for my kids in school and one for my wife who teaches kindergarten. We use almond butter due to peanut allergies in schools. I pull out the almond butter, place it on the counter. After opening the lid to spread it, and realize I have no knife….
The soap, as it often does as it nears the end of its usefulness, had broken apart into two pieces. It was during bathtime and Ciárán (age 5) was getting washed. I was hoping not to lose either of the pieces, and had mashed them together to form an approximation of a singular piece of…
Took the crib apart over the weekend. That felt weird. It needed to happen, but it’s been 10 years. Xavier transitioned into a regular bed a month or so ago, and it’s been going as well as could be expected. It’s easier for him to get out of bed, but there’s less danger of him…

Here is the one picture I have for this week. It’s Ciárán and Xavier at the zoo this morning. I have a bit of stuff to say, but for the uninterested, here’s the picture. Ugh! Alright, so for Mother’s Day Laura bought a new digital camera. This was a purchase we had been mulling over…
This morning we went to the orthodontist. Again. Last week August had an issue with his braces where the piece that held the rubber band that holds his headpiece in place broke. So we had to go to the orthodontist and have that replaced. It wasn’t the quick fix everybody expected. They had to take…
My Crock Pot died. Again. And yes, I capitalized the name, because it’s a proper name, I not only have a “slow cooker” but it’s the brand I use. My previous one died a few months ago after being in use for several years. And I used the heck out of it,…