Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

I have six pictures and two birthdays to share this week. Tuesday was August’s actual 10th birthday. I previously posted about his party last Friday. Here he is blowing out the candles on his cake. Then he opened up the biggest present from his grandparents containing the biggest LEGO set he’s ever gotten (the…
Ciaran (5) and Xavier (3) are playing in the front room. They start getting into something they shouldn’t. What that is isn’t important. I raise my voice and say “Get out of there!” They immediately run and sit together in the big red chair. I put whatever it was back. As I walk out of…
Last year I started making specific posts for each kid as they celebrated their annual milestone. It started with August as turned 9, followed almost immediately by Xavier as he turned 2. Ciaran was central in a post in July, then Dela in August, and finally Kyle as he turned 21 last month. Then I…

Hey there. You like “Doctor Who” don’t you? Of course you do. If you don’t, then stop reading. This isn’t for you. The current season of “Doctor Who” is about to end, but it doesn’t have to. Shout Factory accidentally sent me two copies of K-9: The Complete Series on DVD. I don’t need two…

Friday we had my son Augut’s 10th birthday party. He wanted to do the same thing as last year – the video game truck. I went through my archives and couldn’t find the post I had about the event, which is bothersome. I did find a twitter post though. So essentially, you spend a couple…

Look, I know it’s not Friday. Or Phriday. Yesterday I got rather distracted by a number of events culminating in August’s birthday party. There will be a blog post about that next week. This post is all about my daughter. Last Saturday Déla had her First Communion. Here she is in her dress. And here…
We are sitting around the dinner table, eating our dinner, chatting about who knows what. Eventually the topic shifts to eye color. Each of our 5 kids have different eye color. None of them have the same color as Laura or myself. Kyle has the eye color of my mother. Ciárán has the eye color…
How are you celebrating Star Wars Day? Hasbro graciously sent us a few things to help celebrate May The Fourth (Be With You). Thanks Hasbro!!

Remember last week’s Shark Princess? He turned into an ice cream cone. No, really. He walked around saying he was an ice cream cone. Thursday night was performance night for the 3rd – 5th graders. I couldn’t get a shot of him (along with a gajillion other 3rd graders) playing the ukulele, but here he…