Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
When I woke up today I had some great ideas for blog posts. The problem was I woke up at 1:30 in the morning. Why? I don’t know. Thankfully none of the kids woke up at that time. Nobody was sick, no nightmares, nothing. That bothered me because waking up at 1:30 in the morning…
At what age do you let your kids watch a movie where somebody’s heart gets ripped out of their chest? I remember when Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom came out, rated PG and showed a scene that caused such an uproar the PG-13 rating was created. Essentially it was the scene where the…
So I’m getting my 2 year old, Xavier, ready for nap. It isn’t a complicated procedure, really, it’s routine. We come home most days from dropping Ciárán off at pre-school, go to the bathroom, get the diaper on, and head upstairs for story and then nap. Today he protested about pretty much everything from opening…
I understand the appeal of Self Check Out at the grocery store. I’m not against it, but I’m also not necessarily for it. When I have a cart full of groceries, and my kids in tow, I’d much rather wait in line for a regular checker than go through the hell that is self…
My favorite band of all time is The Young Fresh Fellows because they combine the musical styles of my two other favorite bands, The Beatles and The Ramones. The band has been around for decades and I have lost count of how many times I have seen them. A few years ago a tribute album was recorded….
Tuesday was a day off for this kids. Instead of a mid-winter break they got a couple of extra days around the President’s Day holiday off from school. Since Seattle Public Schools were in session, I figured it was a perfect opportunity to head down to the Seattle Aquarium without worrying too much about the…

Fred Meyer is a regional chain of stores, sort of like Target, but with a full grocery store and a little less of the other stuff. Our local store closed a year ago for remodeling and finally reopened at the beginning of the month. One of the things about our local Fred Meyer was the…
Last post for The Music Man. The performance started at 7, and the plan was to go out to dinner beforehand. I wanted to leave at 4:30 and get downtown and park by 5:00 which would give us 2 hours to walk to and from the restaurant, order food, eat, etc. Since it…
I have just a little bit more to follow up on my post yesterday about The Music Man. There was a band in Seattle in the early 90s, Fear The Cow. I wish I could find any information on them. The group was a sort of country punk outfit, almost a form of performance…