Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
I wet the bed as a kid growing up. It wasn’t until… jeez… I don’t know, maybe 12 or so that it stopped. This is merely background though, and not the meaning for the post. I remember it was one of the times we lived in California. I think I was about 9 or…
One of the hallmarks of good parenting is consistency. Having a regular bedtime, for example. Consistency is something my wife and I take seriously. This came up just this morning.

I drove Kyle to the airport this morning. It was the end of his Christmas break from Gonzaga University, and time for him to return. It was tough saying goodbye to him, as it was perhaps the best visit we have had with him in a very long time. Much of what made this…
Yesterday I was taking Xavier (age 2) and August (age 9) with me on a couple of errands. August was lamenting the fact that he wasn’t getting to watch some of his favorite shows when he wanted to as we were getting into the van. August: “I liked it before Ciárán watched TV with…

Ever since October Xavier has been imitating his older brothers with “zombie” which is both cute and creepy at the same time. Last night, he added a new twist by putting a bucket over his head. Here he is after dinner, looking a little bit more normal, finishing up his milk.

“Savoy Truffle” appears on side 4 of The Beatles (White Album) and is perhaps that side’s most accessible song. BeatleSongs tells us it was written as an exploration of (Harrison’s friend) Eric Clapton’s affection for sweets. Some of the lyrics are taken directly from the names of various confections one would find in a box of…
“Long, Long, Long” is not one of my favorite Beatles songs. It closes out side 3 of The Beatles (the White Album) and provides a decent respite from the previous song of “Helter Skelter” it serves as a segue for the slog that winds up being the final stretch of the double album. BeatleSongs tells…
“Something” was recorded for the Abbey Road album, and would be the only track by Harrison to be released as a single and reach the charts (any other song he wrote that was released as a single was as a b-side). Tell Me Why has a lot of praise for the song (almost 2 full pages)…
Tell Me Why offers up that if Ringo had sung “Only A Northern Song” it might be more believable and that it “confirms all suspicions about the psychedelic hubris of 1967.” BeatleSongs considers it “one of the worst songs Harrison ever wtrote.” It was initially written and partially recorded for the Sgt. Pepper’s album, but left off…