Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

Today as I picked up the kids from school this afternoon, it rained. That’s not really unusual here in Seattle in October. Or pretty much any other month. What was unusual was the double rainbow afterwards. Now I’m not entirely sure, but I think it was the first…

Let’s wrap this darn thing up. It’s been two months since our vacation, and far too many blog posts. At least I’m finishing what I started. Something should be said for perseverance. Or is it stubbornness? Either way, here goes. On our way off of the peninsula (after checking out Oysterville) we checked out…
One of the last things we decided to do before heading home was check out Oysterville. It is one of the oldest towns in the region, being settled in the mid-1800s. Granted, it’s not Boston, but for the NorthWest, it’s significant. And as one might expect, there’s oyster farming.

It’s been 2 months since we’ve gone on our trip, and almost an entire month went by between blog posts. I’m just going to wrap this series up. I’m going to start with a few random photos of things we saw in the area that were cool. …
Remember (nearly a month ago) when my last post advertised “And Fort”? Here are the pictures of the fort in question. The Lewis & Clark Interpretative Center At Cape Disappointment is build on the site of Fort Canby – literally. The new structure sits on top of the old one. Another cool thing to explore in the…

Part six of an ongoing series looking at our summer vacation to the lower left corner of the state of Washington. After our hike out to (and back from) the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse we left our vehicle where it was and walked in the opposite direction to the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center. …
I have a rather large home video collection. Out of the several hundred movies on DVD and Blu-ray I own, which are in alphabetical order, there are three directors that have their own “section” on the shelf. If you can be the first to guess the three directors and tweet me (@ppmdad) by Friday, you’ll…

This is the fifth is a series of posts looking at our less than 3 days of vacation this summer. After Xavier woke from his nap (see previous entry) we decided to check out the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse. First, however, there was a detour. While Xavier was sleeping in the Millennium Falcon, Laura…

While August and Déla had their first day of school last week, this week Laura and Ciárán had their first day of school. Yesterday was Ciárán’s first day at pre-school. This year he is in the afternoon Pre-K program. While I do wish it were full day, they do seem to be getting him ready for…