Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category

Johnny Clegg and Ladysmith Black Mambazo were playing at the Woodland Park Zoo. Laura and I were determined to see Johnny Clegg, and it would be our first concert at the zoo. For years the Woodland Park Zoo would host concerts as part of a summer series, and despite living just a mile away, we…

This past Saturday and Sunday I went to two baseball games in a row. This is a far cry from a couple of years ago when I didn’t even really consider going to a game. A year ago it was a challenge to take two kids to one game, and this weekend I took three…
I had a guest post on Dadcentric last month, but it wasn’t my first attempt. This was what I originally submitted, but it was wisely rejected because it doesn’t have a conclusion. I still haven’t come up with a conclusion, but here it is. Writing about fatherhood, in a way, can be like dancing…

This past weekend Ciárán turned 5. You would think I would have a lot to say about this, considering it was an action packed weekend. I think I may just be too exhausted to reach through my memory and extract all that I need to in order to make a proper blog post. Sadly, I’m…
You are a funny kid. There are things you say that make everybody laugh, and a week later those things stick with you. The really good ones make us laugh a year later. We have even come up with a term for the crazy things you say.

Ciárán (age 4) “Can I have some of that crocodile water?” Laura “What?” Ciárán “You know, that crocodile water. It’s orange and you mix it with water.” Laura “Oh, GatorAde!” Ciárán “Yeah. Only this time don’t make it so wet.”

I will admit to Independence Day being among my least favorite of the official holidays. No, I’m not some un-American weirdo, and I do enjoy fireworks. It is the hassle and danger the day brings that always leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I detest going out at night on July 4 because of the drunk…

The past Saturday was the annual Greenwood Auto Show. It’s a mile of classic cars and more – and it’s not something I don’t go every year, various circumstances prevent that from happening, and usually I don’t get to go the whole length of the event. This year, however, we did. Mostly.

Yowza – it’s been a while. Not only have I missed a few Phamily Foto Phridays but I’ve somehow not gotten a new post up in 2 weeks. There’s been so much to write about, from dad’s 2 week visit from Ireland, the end of the school year, plans for summer, a trip to the…