Archive For The “Monk’s Blog” Category
“Don’t kick the poopy diaper.” I never in a million years would have thought that sentence would leave my lips. Today it did. I was changing Xavier’s diaper, which was, as I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, was *ahem* full. As I was setting it aside, he decided to kick at it. None of my…
So I’m driving one of my various kids either to or from one of their various activities the other day, as is typical for the afternoon. I see a woman walking towards Aurora Avenue. If you live in a major city, you have some variation on this area, where certain women… work.

I am currently on my 3rd passport and have done a fair bit of travelling over the years. My first international trip was to Canada, and living in Seattle, I’ve gone to Victoria and Vancouver more times than I can count. I almost don’t count those trips. It wasn’t until the 80s that my first…

Last week I had pictures of August, Déla and Xavier. Here is Ciárán from this afternoon, just so you don’t think I’m playing favorites (which I’m not).
Wake up – 5:30 Unload the dishwasher Change the laundry Check email Fix breakfast (4 kids) Pack lunches (2 kids) Start dinner (crock pot chili) Take kids to school/pre-school Gather and prepare a package for shipping Take Millennium Falcon to get oil change Go to Post Office (ship package from earlier) Go to grocery store (next 2…

Alright, I know I’m posting this on Saturday the 19th, but I want to keep the heading the way it should have been. It’s been a busy busy week, and I have the pictures to prove it.
Wow. It seems like just yesterday you were born. Of all the kids, you have the most amazing birth story, one that simply can’t be topped, and your life so far has equaled it.
You are our miracle child. We thought we had lost you before you were born, yet here you are, 9 years later.

What a day we had. Saturday I took three of the kids to the Mariners game, and it was highly enjoyable (not just because they snapped a 7 game losing streaking). Sure, winning a game 7-0 is fun, watching Felix Hernandez pitch is fun, but those things wound up being icing on the proverbial cake….