Archive For The “Reviews” Category
“My Little Pony Tales” is a separate series from the 1980s series that brought the franchise to screens the first time. It is the second generation of characters – these are different from the ones we are used to from the first series who were retooled for the current series. In many ways this is…
True story – I saw Breakin’ at the drive in. It was the second feature of a double bill with Streets Of Fire. It was the summer of 1984. I remember distinctly this experience as my best friend and I had taken lawn chairs and set them up in the vacant spot next to us…
Perhaps best known for the hit song “On The Dark Side” the film Eddie And The Cruisers from 1983 is a decent look at rock and roll – sort of a companion to Ralph Bakshi’s 1981 film American Pop. it’s a decent look at music and how the industry changed over time as well as…
I became familiar with Steve McQueen through his role in The Great Escape during one of the many times it was broadcast on television (remember the days when networks would air movies?). That iconic motorcycle jump is one of the more indelible images of film history. He is a captivating presence on screen and at…
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow Of Ronin is the new LEGO game for the 3DS and PS Vita. My 11 year old son played the game and this review is mostly his. Like the previous LEGO Ninjago game for the Nintendo 3DS players take on roles of various characters from the Ninjago television series and LEGO sets and…
Tomm Moore has crafted another fantastically beautiful film that is directly inspired by Irish folklore. Where The Secret Of Kells was more historically based, Song Of The Sea uses the mythical creature of the Selkie as its basis. Set in a more modern time the film opens with Ben being tucked into bed by his…
Few things get me genuinely excited as a reviewer. I’m not talking about “one of my favorite movies is getting rereleased on Blu-ray” excited or “I would never be able to afford this awesome box set” excited. No, I’m talking about “kid on Christmas morning” excited. “Fireball XL5” is one of several Gerry Anderson series…
My kids can’t seem to get enough Pee-wee Herman. When the seasons 1 & 2 set came out I enjoyed sharing the series with my kids who laughed about as hard as I have ever heard. The only problem was that DVD release was not the whole of the series. Now Shout Factory has made…
Watch the special feature first. Seriously. Broadcast in October LEGO DC Super Heroes – Batman: Be-Leaguered was watched multiple times after it was recorded by my kids. For a couple of weeks it seemed that was the only thing they would watch. Now that special is included as a special feature to its sequel LEGO…