Archive For The “Reviews” Category

I remember when this storyline came out in the original comic. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for each next issue to be released. This is also where the character of Nightwing came to be. I remember vividly the panel with Dick Grayson walking down stairs in his new costume. Now one…

A “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” spinoff has hit Disney Junior and now the first home video release is available. Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy and Pluto hit the road in “Mickey And The Roadster Racers” which follows the same theme as the other series with the gang going about and solving problems, only this time they…

Where Tangled seemed to have ended with some sort of finality, there was enough demand for a follow-up short “Tangled Ever After” which focuses on Rapunzel and Eugene’s wedding day. Demand for more Tangled stories bring us to the newly launched “Tangled: The Series” on The Disney Channel. Leading into this is the television movie…

Ben Mann is an artist from the northern Puget Sound region and residents from Mount Vernon to Bellingham might be familiar with some of his work without even knowing it. Based in Bellingham his work has been showcased throughout the region. Now he has turned his attention to illustrating children’s books, with his second effort…

[Pictures are taken from the DVD version of the film. I tried twice to be completely objective in my review, but ultimately failed. This was my third attempt.] Alright, so I’m going to put it front and center at the top of this review. As with many guys of a “certain age” I’m a huge…

I did not anticipate how much my kids would want to play Mario Sports Superstars. Nintendo gave me two codes for the game to download onto two 3DSes – I put one on my 11 year old daughter Déla’s and one on mine. With horse racing as one of the events I figured she would…

It’s been a while since I played on the 3DS, but given a couple of codes to play around with Mario Sports Superstars gave me the opportunity. Every 3DS in the house has been a near non-stop festival of Pokemon for the last few months so a break was needed. And a break we got….

I remember reading the novel and finding it so realistic, bleak and depressing, really reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984. But it was a good read because it was so realistic, bleak and depressing. I was taken with the story and writer Margaret Atwood, and have since read a few other of her novels. A theme…

I had missed seeing Doctor Strange in theaters, which happens with films you want to see when you have new babies in the house. What I found interesting was how the general audience reaction was pretty split. Many people thought it was the best Marvel movie in a long time while others said it was…

When some strange occurrences start happening throughout the country and even the world, the Justice League doesn’t know what to do. People are seeing demons instead of their family members for example. Batman gets the message to find John Constantine, contacts Zatana, and a group of heroes (or anti-heroes) connected to the supernatural are gathered….