Archive For The “Uncategorized” Category
Having just read Archbishop Etienne’s letter to parishioners throughout the archdiocese lifting the dispensation to attend weekly mass effective December 8, I feel the need to chime in and publicly say “You’re wrong.” During the pandemic, we have missed going to mass, but have participated as best we could from home. Streaming the weekly mass…

The other new song recorded by Paul, Ringo and George based off of a demo from John for Antholgy, this was the band’s first single (of new material) in over two decades. Of course it was a hit. This demo was less complete than “Real Love” which meant the others had much more work to…

August and I had attended the Aurora District Boy Scout Camporee the previous two years as a WEBELO, and now that he has crossed over into Boy Scouts we were both looking forward to how this new status would affect our experience. The Boy Scout troop August joined was fed into directly from the Cub…

My biggest problem with “Z Nation” is the look. I understand there’s a thematic look and feel the producers are going for, but the lack of color is distracting. In the 5th episode the weather is turning bad. Super-storm bad. One of the characters remarks how green the clouds look. The problem is you simply can…