Phamily Foto Phriday 3-18-22
I know it’s been a while, and rather than catch up I’m just going to post what would be the most recent shots from St. Patrick’s Day. Let’s start off with the feis that ...
March 31, 2025
I know it’s been a while, and rather than catch up I’m just going to post what would be the most recent shots from St. Patrick’s Day. Let’s start off with the feis that ...
The Washington State Spring Fair is making its return this year with plenty of activities. April of 2022 will see the return of the Washington Sate Spring Fair, a celebration of the season in the ...
As a vegetarian household, there are a few meals that are staples we have every week or so. I ...
This session of this series is going to focus solely on Cub Scout Winter Camp, which Xavier and ...
Yesterday morning I stepped out of the house just after 5 a.m. to head over to spin class. My ...
Sometimes I struggle with time to write. Actually, quite often that is the single greatest ...
There is a couch in our basement that is ground zero for a war between our two cats. This turf ...
I used to not care. That’s not accurate. It used to be that I would not get concerned ...
A few people have asked me how my trip to Boston went, and that is a difficult questions to ...
Let’s play a little catch-up, shall we? I only got a couple of pictures from Christmas, ...
Another song by Buddy Holly, Mailman Bring Me No More Blues was the flip side of the single The ...
George didn’t get to contribute much, especially in the early days of The Beatles. He ...
I know it’s been a while, and rather than catch up I’m just going to post what would be the most recent shots from St. Patrick’s Day. Let’s start off with the feis that happened at the beginning of the month. Here Xavier is displaying his first place trophy for his reel – don’t get...
The Washington State Spring Fair is making its return this year with plenty of activities. April of 2022 will see the return of the Washington Sate Spring Fair, a celebration of the season in the NorthWest. Held at the Washington State Fair Events Center in Puyallup April 14-16 and April 21-24, this event will be...
It’s been a while, I know, so here is a few random pictures from the last couple of years. Just before Thanksgiving Déla and I traveled to Arizona and they got to dance in the western U.S. regional competition. I mentioned this and posted a different picture a few days ago. Here is a very...
There isn’t much to say about this song, really. From the first couple of opening notes, you know which songs this is. Something about the timing of the drums and tambourine stand out, almost arrhythmic, and it’s only during the bridge when the beat shifts to a standard timing that you understand what is “off”...
Here we are nearly 2 years into a pandemic and the feeling of things being “too much” is ever-present. That overwhelming feeling is the subject of George’s composition that would get used in the Yellow Submarine film and soundtrack (which is half an album, and while that’s the official release, I prefer The Yellow Submarine...