Posts Tagged “2012 School Year”

Shut up. I know I’m actually posting this on Sunday. Work with me. Friday was the last day of school. Crazy times. The whole last few days were nuts. Busy, nothing necessarily to show for it, but busy. Here’s Déla on the parallel bars on the playground. And here’s the best picture I could get…
I make three lunches in the morning. Two for my kids in school and one for my wife who teaches kindergarten. We use almond butter due to peanut allergies in schools. I pull out the almond butter, place it on the counter. After opening the lid to spread it, and realize I have no knife….
This morning we went to the orthodontist. Again. Last week August had an issue with his braces where the piece that held the rubber band that holds his headpiece in place broke. So we had to go to the orthodontist and have that replaced. It wasn’t the quick fix everybody expected. They had to take…

After returning from the store Dela (age 7) asks “What’s Borax?” August (age 10) without missing a beat chimes in “It’s like the Lorax, but for Laundry.” “What” “I am the Borax and I speak for the clothes.”

Friday we had my son Augut’s 10th birthday party. He wanted to do the same thing as last year – the video game truck. I went through my archives and couldn’t find the post I had about the event, which is bothersome. I did find a twitter post though. So essentially, you spend a couple…

Remember last week’s Shark Princess? He turned into an ice cream cone. No, really. He walked around saying he was an ice cream cone. Thursday night was performance night for the 3rd – 5th graders. I couldn’t get a shot of him (along with a gajillion other 3rd graders) playing the ukulele, but here he…

This week the kids were out of school. I tried to do something every day so they didn’t just spend all day in front of the television. Among the things we did are library and two trips to the optometrist to get Ciárán’s glasses fixed.
My 2 year old loves to pretend he is a cat, and does a pretty good job. Every great once in a while he will be a frog or a dog. Yesterday, he was a frog. All the way home from dropping Ciárán off at preschool. It’s not a long way, but it takes FOREVER…