Posts Tagged “2012 School Year”

Today as I picked up the kids from school this afternoon, it rained. That’s not really unusual here in Seattle in October. Or pretty much any other month. What was unusual was the double rainbow afterwards. Now I’m not entirely sure, but I think it was the first…

While August and Déla had their first day of school last week, this week Laura and Ciárán had their first day of school. Yesterday was Ciárán’s first day at pre-school. This year he is in the afternoon Pre-K program. While I do wish it were full day, they do seem to be getting him ready for…

First Day Of School Edition!! Yesterday was the first day of school for the kids. Well, for a couple of them anyway. It was a half day, and Ciárán starts up with preschool again next week, but still – FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Here’s August going into 3rd grade Déla is going…

Kyle came home from college for a visit, and over the last 10 days things have been more hectic than usual. Then again, once the activity level reaches a certain fever pitch, it’s indiscernible where one level of crazy ends and another begins. Last night I was able to get all of my children together…