Posts Tagged “2013 School Year”

Dang. 9 years old. It’s been a year for you. 3rd grade. And while that went well it was all that other stuff you started doing. Irish dance for instance. Then there was gymnastics which you kept with and not only that but you advanced to the next level of competition. And Girl Scouts. Sheesh….

Puberty can be a difficult subject to discuss. It is such a wide-ranging and encompassing change that just one conversation won’t cover it. Add to that the awkwardness of sitting down and actually having the discussion. Yeah, many of us parents sort of blunder through it. Along comes an outside agency and puts everybody on…

Yes, I’m still behind and I’m going to pack in as much as I can here and try to finally get caught up. I do have to admit this is a better position to be in than having nothing to post. First off you may remember a few weeks ago August got first place within…

If you’ve been paying attention to this blog at all the last few weeks you would know Fiddler On The Roof has had a major pressence in our lives. First we had the latest addition to our family, Tevye, then a few days later our oldest cat Chava died. A great “Sunrise, Sunset” example. I…

Still playing “catch-up” with photos. Next week will also be another one of these types of affairs. At least this one includes sharp objects being flung. Seriously. Two weekends ago, yes, very shortly after Tevye was born, I took August to Webeloree, an event that is done in conjuction with the Boy Scout Camporee, a…
As we were moving, in the throws of the beginning of our remodel, right after Tevye was born, we had yet another major event happen in our lives. Our old cat Chava was put to sleep. She came to us a rainy September day in 1997. She was sitting outside our window, meowing, waiting to…

This is late. If you’ve been paying attention you would know that certain life events have come in the way of having this written, let alone posted, in time for his actual birthday. It’s been a heck of a year. You were 3 years old when you went on an international, even inter-continental, trip to…
Finally saw Frozen last night. We missed it in theaters, unfortunately, but right when it came out on Blu-ray we bought it. As life happens, I didn’t get to see it with the kids. The second time they watched the film it was with mom. After the 2nd time of watching the film my daughter…
I know it’s actually Sunday as I post this. Shut up. May has been an absolutely crazy month. As I have mentioned before we have moved out of our hose for the remodel. With a new baby our unpacking and settling in has been quite a bit slower than we would have liked. On top…