Posts Tagged “2015 school year”

We are a week into summer vacation and I feel as if I have already lost the battle. Maybe those are not the correct words to use, but that is how I feel. Battle-weary. Last Tuesday was the last day, a short day, and it went well enough. The following morning I had to get…

Not a lot today. Dela had a massive dance recital as well as a gymnastics meet but none of those pictures turned out. Ciaran and Xavier both ended their baseball and t-ball seasons and the pictures of those didn’t turn out usable as well. Here are the pictures that did turn out. August and I…

This was the most disappointing box, but that’s not saying too much. August likes the Geek Fuel subscription boxes each month and there were still things in this box he liked but overall this one for the most part missed the mark. Let’s start with the shirt. It’s a Game Of Thrones shirt, which doesn’t…

I know it’s been a couple of weeks but I don’t feel too bad about it because I have posted a few pictures such as from Camporee and the Mariners game during the interval. To that end this is going to focus on the 2 year old for the most part. But not all. Let’s start…

When I was 10 years old Saturdays meant cartoons and afternoon movies. I would wake up early to watch Saturday morning cartoons such as “Super Friends”, “Hong Kong Phooey”, “Land Of The Lost” or “Speed Buggy”. The afternoons would be spent perhaps at a movie theater, but mostly watching the local stations broadcast their weekly…

Well, it could be worse. First a little bit of background. November of 2014 while our house was being remodeled Laura and I decided we would not buy each other Christmas presents, but would instead buy ourselves a new refrigerator. And what a glorious refrigerator it is. A GE Cafe higher end model that may…

August and I had attended the Aurora District Boy Scout Camporee the previous two years as a WEBELO, and now that he has crossed over into Boy Scouts we were both looking forward to how this new status would affect our experience. The Boy Scout troop August joined was fed into directly from the Cub…

Just a few pictures this week, since I wound up posting almost all of them in a couple of other posts earlier this week. I did want to lead off with this one because I’m ridiculously proud of her. Here is Tevye attempting to help with the laundry. I turned around one day and found…

Our third (and final) birthday for the month of May was a massive success, but not the one we had initially planned. Xavier turned 6 years old on Sunday, and it isn’t often the kids get to have a party on the day of their actual birthday, so we had a good one planned. Only…