Posts Tagged “2015 school year”

To say this was a crazy busy weekend would be an understatement. Here is an overview of what we went through. Déla and I got up and left the house about 7:40, a little later than we had hoped. We had to get downtown to the convention center where she was competing in the Emerald…

Apparently I had one of these (supposedly) regular installment posts ready for last Friday but for some reason I never posted it. Whoops. A double-dose this week, so let’s get started. Tevye got a hold of the baseball equipment one day. I took August and Déla to see The Jungle Book. There were three different displays…

We have reached that part in toddlerhood where trucks are the “be all end all” of the world. Dump trucks. Cement trucks. Most importantly, garbage trucks. Wednesday is the greatest day of the week. That’s the day we have two trucks come down our alley, one for garbage, one for yard waste. Every two weeks,…

We signed the kids up for the Mariners Kids Club again this year. Well, three of them. The increase in price was one major factor, from $15 to $20, and the number of games that we would attend this summer is sort of, well, we already have a packed schedule. There are games when I…

This past weekend was a milestone for our family. Ciaran received his first communion. It was a great ceremony, and I was surprised mass didn’t run overly long. Additionally, August and Dela were altar servers at the mass, and Dela was altar server #1, which is sort of a big deal considering she is only…

A lot has been going the last couple of weeks. unfortunately there are events where I couldn’t get a good picture or things were so busy I simply didn’t get to take one. Here is what I did manage to get. One night was Sounder’s night for the youth group, so I was able to…

Another week, another batch of photos. Let’s kick things off with the “cute duo” I don’t even remember when this was over the previous couple of weeks. As you might remember Xavier is taking T-ball this spring. Here he is working on batting. This past weekend Ciaran and I went on a hike with others…

I have been to many conventions, expos and trade shows in my life but I have never been to a comic convention before. I applied for a press pass to this year’s Emerald City Comic Con but was turned down, which was disappointing, but also inconvenient as the tickets for the days I wanted to…

A couple of big things happened over the last week. I’m glad I have this regular feature on the blog to document them. First up is Easter. The kids were up ridiculously early, especially when compared to how late they were up Baseball 2016the night before. So… much… candy! And for the egg hunt they…

This month’s Geek Fuel arrived last week and August was incredibly excited. The contents were amazing, some more so than others. That book is a great inclusion. It is a 1st edition of the graphic novel biography of Stan “The Man” Lee which has a retail value of $30. Here is the Batman v Superman: Dawn…