Posts Tagged “2016 school year”

I know it’s been over a month. I should write a post about the issues I have had with getting a new phone then attempting to connect it to my computer. But I won’t. Let’s catch up, shall we? Here is Tevye after finding some of the super hero dress up items. Well, somebody is eating…

No, I’m not taking a break from blogging. Instead I am referring to the inconsistencies with breaks in the school calendar. Let’s take this weekend for example. President’s Day, or Presidents Day, or perhaps Presidents’ Day – choose your preference because I can’t find an official grammatical presentation for the holiday. On the school calendar…

Oh man, this was a fun weekend. Cub Scout Winter Camp is certainly a highlight of the Scouting calendar, and this year did not disappoint. Actually, it was the best outing in years. How much fun was it this time? I will let Ciaran answer that in this video. Did you see that? No, I’m…

Yes, this is Monday. I know this is late. This post was actually ready to go up on Friday, but I was busy getting ready to go to Cub Scout Winter Camp. And that will be a separate post. Here are a few pictures of the kids and what they have been up to recently….
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, and chances are you haven’t, you will have noticed a drop in the frequency of direct parenting related posts. It isn’t for a lack of content. Just this morning Tevye took off his pajamas and underwear to dance – because last summer watching the gymnastics he…

Here is the last of my catch-up series for pictures. Hopefully I’ll be back to the normal (mostly) weekly posting schedule for these. So I turned around and these two clowns were like this. Tevye just thought it was the funniest thing ever. Ciaran made himself a triple-decker peanut butter sandwich. That’s three layers of…

Pack meetings have changed format a bit. They start out with a calmer activity to keep the kids from running around making it easier to start the meetings. I like it. One of the pack outings was to the Museum of History and Industry, which we went to last year, but this was Xavier’s first…

It’s been over a month and I have a lot to post so I’m breaking this up into a few chunks, starting with this one. I don’t remember why but I had to go to the school for some reason and ran into Xavier. We decorated our Christmas tree We waited until after Tevye was…

I know it’s been a few weeks. If you notice I haven’t had many updates lately. Hoping to get things turned around here. Let’s start off with a look back. When I arrived to pick the kids up from school a while ago they were all in an assembly, so I was going to snap…

I chaperoned my first middle school dance this past weekend. Each of the catholic schools in the area take turns throughout the school year hosting dances for the middle school students. August has been to a couple of dances at other schools, and this past Friday evening it was his school’s turn to host. Of…