Posts Tagged “2018 School Year”

I know it’s been a while. I’m not even going to bother with why. Let’s just get into it. Let’s start with Grace enjoying a nice bubble bath. Next we have Dela doing her family history project. Not in the picture here are a number of other props that are behind Dela or just out…
You might remember a week or so ago when I posted that I had turned to Facebook to get some inspiration in the form of suggestions as to what to write about. One of the suggestions was “The Pelfrey family commitment to altar serving every mass ” and that got me to thinking about things….

This session of this series is going to focus solely on Cub Scout Winter Camp, which Xavier and I attended last weekend. Unfortunately there was no snow, but, at least it was dry. There have been years when we have gone and it has been pouring rain the whole weekend. Sure, we were disappointed,but ultimately…
I used to not care. That’s not accurate. It used to be that I would not get concerned about the future. I would do what I could do, and however it worked out, it would be what it was. Perhaps it was a bit zen or Daoist. Perhaps it was more of a lackadaisical world…

Let’s play a little catch-up, shall we? I only got a couple of pictures from Christmas, unfortunately. August was sort of obsessed with the recent Grinch animated movie, you may remember when he had those green pancakes, well he hasn’t let up since. He may have been trying to be ironic but we wanted to…

It’s been a while and in a way I’m still playing “catch-up” with some of these, alright, many of these, but this is it. There are even pictures from this week included! Let’s start off with a bit of a continuation of Halloween. Where the kids do swim lessons annually toss in some pumpkins, usually the weekend before…

Our council hosts Cub Day At Camp a couple of weekends in the fall, with the weekend before Halloween having a theme. Can you guess what it is? After our rounds of BB guns we headed to the archery range. Archery is perhaps Xavier’s favorite Cub Scout activity. On the way there were leaves on…

While I posted the first day of school pictures, I have been lax with pretty much everything since, including both cross country and soccer seasons. I have a couple of posts to get an overview of how things have been going. Here is Grace having a snack in the middle of the kitchen. Note the…

There are two things I want to put down as a reminder of where Grace is developmentally right now. She is two and not quite a half years old and talking up a storm, getting into everything and probably has the worst temper of all of our kids. But that’s not what I want to…

This was the first year that Déla was able to participate in the annual Western U.S. Oireachtas (pronounced “or-ok-tus”) where there are individual competitors, but the big draw and major focus of the event is the schools themselves compete in teams. We came down Thursday evening, meaning she would miss Friday of school to compete….