Posts Tagged “A Game of Thrones: Genesis”

October’s Geek Fuel was a little bit of a mixed bag. It isn’t because of the quality of the contents, but more to do with the age and interests of the person receiving the subscription. Perhaps the best was the Firefly themed shirt. The brain-shaped gummy candies were a hit. I think this was a Game…

This was the most disappointing box, but that’s not saying too much. August likes the Geek Fuel subscription boxes each month and there were still things in this box he liked but overall this one for the most part missed the mark. Let’s start with the shirt. It’s a Game Of Thrones shirt, which doesn’t…

I’m waiting for George R. R. Martin to finish writing his Game Of Thrones/Song Of Fire And Ice series before I start reading it. I’m probably going to wait to watch the series until I read the books. We waited so long to get Netflix. The only reason we finally “broke down” and subscribed was because…