Posts Tagged “Adventure Time”

It has been incredibly busy, as you can tell by the complete lack of posts over the previous week, but things have been so busy here. So busy that I haven’t had much in the way of pictures, so I only have a few to share. First up we have Xavier being rather daring on…

With “Adventure Time” getting regular home video releases in full season sets, one might wonder why Warner Brothers and Cartoon Network would bother to release a compilation style DVD. Fortunately there is a good reason this time. This DVD collects a number of episodes dealing with the Enchiridion, the Book Of Heroes, a volume acting as a…

With the September Geek Fuel box about to arrive, let’s take a look at last month’s. After a lengthy battle with the tape keeping the box sealed, August (my son, not named after the month) finally pried open the cardboard container and besides the usual Geek Fuel magazine the first thing he saw was the…

This is the season Jake becomes a father. That might be the most important thing to remember. There is more continuity this season, which really started in earnest during season 3, but now it has gotten to the point where missing a couple of episodes can leave the viewer wondering what happened in a particular…

Tell Me Why casts Georges vocal delivery of this cover is a less than flattering light, as if the background singers (John & Paul) are scolding him and George is losing the argument. “Devil In Her Heart” was released on the With The Beatles album, and was originally a song performed by a girl group…

“Adventure Time” has become a favorite in my house. When I got the third season to review I wasn’t as familiar with the series as I am now. Now my 11 year old records each new episode as it is broadcast. As it is I still think that “Adventure Time” isn’t as great as it…