Posts Tagged “Beatles”

There isn’t much to say about this song, really. From the first couple of opening notes, you know which songs this is. Something about the timing of the drums and tambourine stand out, almost arrhythmic, and it’s only during the bridge when the beat shifts to a standard timing that you understand what is “off”…

Here we are nearly 2 years into a pandemic and the feeling of things being “too much” is ever-present. That overwhelming feeling is the subject of George’s composition that would get used in the Yellow Submarine film and soundtrack (which is half an album, and while that’s the official release, I prefer The Yellow Submarine…

Just another Number 1 hit for the band, they were tossing them out at a rapid pace during the stretch of 1963-64. The band never played it live, with John especially feeling it was beneath them. Thing is, it wasn’t. While the subject matter may be trite (“Oooh I need your love, babe, eight days…

Like most ardent Beatles fans I was chomping at the bit to watch the Get Back documentary on Disney+. Having watched the original film documentary of Let It Be I can understand the desire to revisit the material and attempt to tell a more complete overview of the events of January 1969. I don’t want…
Another song by Buddy Holly, Mailman Bring Me No More Blues was the flip side of the single The Beatles would would record and release – “Words Of Love” (from Beatles For Sale). As I mentioned a few days ago, that the group didn’t record and release more Buddy Holly tunes during their early days, instead they…
George didn’t get to contribute much, especially in the early days of The Beatles. He sang lead vocals on every album, but most of them were covers. on the debut album he sang one cover and one original (written by John and Paul) then his first original contribution on the next album (“Don’t Bother Me”)…

The other new song recorded by Paul, Ringo and George based off of a demo from John for Antholgy, this was the band’s first single (of new material) in over two decades. Of course it was a hit. This demo was less complete than “Real Love” which meant the others had much more work to…

Written by Lennon-McCartney, “If You’ve Got Trouble” was meant to be included on Help! the song didn’t pass muster and was ultimately shelved until it was dusted off for Anthology. This was meant to be Ringo’s vocal turn on the album, but feeling it didn’t quite work out the band would later go on to…
One of the two songs recorded by Paul, George and Ringo based on one of John’s demo tapes during the Anthology project in 1995 and released as a single. What is astounding to me is that George Martin did not produce this (along with “Free As A Bird”) but Harrison’s friend and fellow Traveling Willbury…
“Step Inside Love” was the theme song to Celia Black’s variety show, and written by Paul McCartney. Never officially recorded by The Beatles , there are a couple of demo versions created by Paul. The first is the general tune, then there’s the second verse (or maybe it’s the first actual verse, just listen and…