Posts Tagged “blogging”
So here we are again, the annual National Blog Post Month frenzy. Well, every month is apparently NaBloPoMo, but November is *the* month for it. If you’ve been around the blogging block, you know it’s something bloggers do to keep their creativity flowing, or to reinvigorate their blog. the idea is to have a blog…

Oren Miller died of lung cancer yesterday. You may not know him. I didn’t. Heck, I only exchanged a few words with him, literally, over the last couple of years. His loss, however, is great. He touched many lives, including mine. He started a group, Dad Bloggers, which I participate in. You may notice on…
Sometimes I wonder why I started this blog. Despite the success I recently enjoyed with NaBloPoMo, I still have difficulty coming up with things to post. Even the Music Monday posts, which I enjoy immensely, are a chore to work on half the time. Parenting? Supposedly the “focus” of this blog, right? There are only…

Welcome to my annual Beatles Week. No, I’m not going to have a week’s worth of posts about The Beatles (which I could easily do). Instead I will be having regular blog post, only the post’s titles will be taken from titles of songs the band has released over the course of their career. Since within…
Well, I did it. A blog post a day for a whole month. I wonder what the percentage is of those who start the project and successfully complete it. There are only three blog posts that I can think of that could be filed under “questionable” which is pretty good. And I’m including that Crock…

BlogHer is the official host of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month) and sort of organizes things to motivate bloggers to keep going. There are prompts to elicit blog posts, a (mostly) daily twitter discussion, and more – including prizes. The only thing is, I think it’s offering up the wrong motivation. Maybe I would feel…

I’m waiting for George R. R. Martin to finish writing his Game Of Thrones/Song Of Fire And Ice series before I start reading it. I’m probably going to wait to watch the series until I read the books. We waited so long to get Netflix. The only reason we finally “broke down” and subscribed was because…

This was one of the prompts from the official NaBloPoMo headquarters to use. While I am not really needing the prompts as I currently have about 7 or 8 posts in my drafts folders (though some are no more than a headline, at least the idea is there), I saw this one and thought immediately…
The post idea I had for today sounded good in my head, then as I began typing it out it sounded more and more dumb. I couldn’t drag it out to a full post and there wasn’t any interesting angle to spin. Essentially it was about going to the store to get my daughter some…