Posts Tagged “blogging”
When I woke up today I had some great ideas for blog posts. The problem was I woke up at 1:30 in the morning. Why? I don’t know. Thankfully none of the kids woke up at that time. Nobody was sick, no nightmares, nothing. That bothered me because waking up at 1:30 in the morning…

I recently came across two things that baffled me. Where are we as a society that we need these in our lives? Really? Isn’t this supposed to be half milk and half cream? Isn’t cream supposed to be the fat from the milk? I don’t even want to know how this is possible. And…
It’s been over a month since I quit my “day job” over at Digital Entertainment News. The change was made for a myriad of reasons, none of which I’m going to get into now. I do have some related stuff to bring up out of the transition.
“Something” was recorded for the Abbey Road album, and would be the only track by Harrison to be released as a single and reach the charts (any other song he wrote that was released as a single was as a b-side). Tell Me Why has a lot of praise for the song (almost 2 full pages)…
Tell Me Why offers up that if Ringo had sung “Only A Northern Song” it might be more believable and that it “confirms all suspicions about the psychedelic hubris of 1967.” BeatleSongs considers it “one of the worst songs Harrison ever wtrote.” It was initially written and partially recorded for the Sgt. Pepper’s album, but left off…
Last week I quit my “day job” which had morphed into my early morning, day, and evening job. Working from home has been a blessing and a curse, and I wouldn’t trade it in for anything. What I was doing, however, simply wasn’t working. I used to (still a difficult phrase to get used…

Yowza – it’s been a while. Not only have I missed a few Phamily Foto Phridays but I’ve somehow not gotten a new post up in 2 weeks. There’s been so much to write about, from dad’s 2 week visit from Ireland, the end of the school year, plans for summer, a trip to the…
While “out and about” virtually, I came across Kevin Uncool’s post about an idea put forth by David from It’s Not A Lecture. I’m a little pressed for time at the moment, so I will get right to the point of listing off three things I love about being a father. 1. Spending time…