Posts Tagged “Captain America”

We got a code for the game to be played on the PlayStation 3, but you can get this game for pretty much any current console or PC. This is a game that, unlike the previous LEGO Marvel game, focuses on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes utilized a lot of different characters…

A few days ago I posted this picture of the kids working on their pumpkins. Here are the final results. August carved his own pumpkin – completely. I wound up carving out the others, as you would expect. Thankfully the kids helped with the scooping out and cleanup (and general direction of what they wanted…

This morning while getting ready for school August (age 11) came up to me as said when he grows up he wants to be an extra in a Marvel movie. “Oh?” I said. I admired his realistic take on having a dream, but would have hoped for him to shoot for something a little bit grander. “Yeah!”…

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a very “standard” super hero film that is disguised as a sort of 70s espionage thriller. I wasn’t disappointed in it, but will say that I knew just about the whole of the plot and outcome from having watched the trailers before the film’s theatrical release. Some spoilers ahead…
Iron Man And Captain America: Heroes United is the latest Marvel animated offering that could be seen as a sort of extension of the “regular” Marvel cinematic universe. There are references to the films, not big ones, but enough for viewers to connect the dots. The timing, however, is odd. With the events of Captain…

Before Chris Evans donned the red, white and blue uniform in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, there were a few attempts to bring the character to the screen. There was the 1944 Republic serial, then in 1979 two television films (inspired by the success of “The Incredible Hulk” television series) came out. in 1990…