Posts Tagged “Ciaranisms”

Tevye (age 3) and August (age 14) were having breakfast. They are sitting at the table in a way that I can not see them. I hear some sort of sound, almost like a fart, but it could have been a rumbly tummy or something else. I ask “Who was that? You okay?” Tevye, without…

October has been…. busy. Difficult. A blur. Something. Grace is 2 months old. She is sleeping. This, more than anything, is what keeps everything from falling apart. No, she’s not sleeping all the way through the night, but but close enough to it for us to get hours of consecutive sleep each night. – –…

Welcome to the “all Ciárán” edition. Sometimes he gets overlooked or passed over, not intentionally, but it happens. This week is not the case. It was his birthday a little earlier this month. He was happy to once again be having his birthday at home instead of while on vacation. A couple of days after…

Alright, so it’s actually Saturday, and I haven’t posted anything since we started our vacation, and these pictures aren’t even of us on vacation, but I wanted to get these posted and out of the way so I can start with the vacation pictures proper without this hanging over my head. The day before we left…

This past weekend was a milestone for our family. Ciaran received his first communion. It was a great ceremony, and I was surprised mass didn’t run overly long. Additionally, August and Dela were altar servers at the mass, and Dela was altar server #1, which is sort of a big deal considering she is only…

Teatro Zinzanni is a staple of the Seattle nightlife scene and has been for … about 20 years I think. Initially set up in an empty lot with a tent for a limited run the company now features a permanent building, summer camps for kids and shows that feature a variety of different feats. Their…

This past weekend was Winter Camp – the first time August did not go since he is now a Boy Scout. Well, I could have taken him if I had registered him as a Den Chief, but it was nice just having Ciáran and me there. Sadly the snow began to melt the week before…

Today was Ciárán’s First Reconciliation. First Communion will happen in the Spring, but this was a big step in his life. I had been taking this journey with Ciárán, in the same way I did with August and Laura did with Déla (we are trading off the sacramental prep with the kids). There were a…

Just a few pictures this time, since I have already posted several in other blog posts. Here is Tevye attempting to put on his own pajamas. Actually they are August’s. Yesterday was “Grandparents & Special Friends Day” at school. Well, for some of the grades. It is kind of confusing when you have multiple children,…