Posts Tagged “Crock Pot”

There it sat, unused for these past few months. With warm weather and vacations there was no need for it. As the school year begins the weather turns and activities ramp up. This means less time to prepare warm dinners that are ready to eat when the family needs to be. And so the Crock…

Happy Thanksgiving. Since today is our national day of eating, at least according to what I’ve read on the internet these past few days, I thought for today I’d provide a food related post. This was an experiment I wanted to try because… well, I don’t know exactly why. I’m not even sure where I…
My Crock Pot died. Again. And yes, I capitalized the name, because it’s a proper name, I not only have a “slow cooker” but it’s the brand I use. My previous one died a few months ago after being in use for several years. And I used the heck out of it,…
I was recently struck with not just how different my life is now from before I had children, but how different I was as a person. There are times I wonder if the 22 year old me would recognize himself in the me of today at 45 years old. Back then I smoked, but…
Wake up – 5:30 Unload the dishwasher Change the laundry Check email Fix breakfast (4 kids) Pack lunches (2 kids) Start dinner (crock pot chili) Take kids to school/pre-school Gather and prepare a package for shipping TakeĀ MillenniumĀ Falcon to get oil change Go to Post Office (ship package from earlier) Go to grocery store (next 2…